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For Consumers

Eggs have often been described as nature's perfect food. One large egg contains only 70 calories and an incredible amount of nutrition. For more information on egg nutrition and egg safety, as well as delicious egg recipes, please click on the links below.

Cholesterol in Eggs

Research over the past few years has shown that eggs are lower in cholesterol than previously thought. Indeed, the American Heart Association amended its guidelines on eggs to say for healthy Americans, an egg a day can be part of a heart-healthy diet, and no longer makes specific recommendations on the number of egg yolks a person may consume in a week.

A 2011 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) study on eggs and nutrition affirmed that the amount of cholesterol in a single large egg has decreased by 14 percent according to the agency's nutrition data. It found that consuming an egg a day fits easily within dietary guidelines, which recommends limiting cholesterol consumption to 300 mg per day.

To learn more, visit

Egg Nutrition

The egg is the one-stop shop for nutrition, versatility and great value. For just $0.12 a serving, eggs offer 13 essential nutrients.

Eggs are packed with carotenoids, lutein and zexanthin - all of which have been found to decrease the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Choline - also found in eggs - is vital for the normal function of all cells, particularly cells in the brain related to memory. Eggs are also packed with protein, which is needed for building and repairing the cells in muscles and other body tissues. And, recent research reveals that eggs are now 14 percent lower in cholesterol.

The 2011 USDA study also found that eggs now contain 41 IU of vitamin D, which is an increase of 64 percent from 2002. Eggs are one of the few foods that are a naturally good source of vitamin D, meaning that one egg provides at least 10 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption, helping to form and maintain strong bones.

For more information on egg nutrition, visit

Egg Safety

Today's consumer likely will only encounter a Salmonella-infected egg just once in 84 years, due in large part because of the extensive preventive measures taken on America's egg farms, including Centrum Valley Farms. However, egg safety is a shared responsibility, and consumers can do their part to handle and cook eggs properly to prevent foodborne illnesses.

For egg safety tips on proper handling, preparation and storage techniques, visit

Egg Recipes

With hundreds of ways to prepare an egg, there is a tasty egg treat for everyone in the family, even the pickiest eater. From the most common scrambled egg, to egg salad sandwiches, and egg custard pie, eggs can be enjoyed in many delicious ways for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

For quick, easy and delicious recipes, visit

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